As I was sorting through all of my amazing glass floats, this little voice inside my head said...."Hey, you should give some of these things away!!! It would make someone's day to win such a cool prize. I mean, after all, who wouldn't want a glass float that spent years & years & years floating on the ocean currents until it finally got tossed onto a remote beach by the pounding surf???". So, I am listening to that voice.
Check it out.............
Tell your friends. Matter of fact, just tell everyone!!! Good luck to you all & if you don't win, you can always go here!!!
I love your floats! I have read your story on a couple blogs and is so great! I would love display your floats in my house, most likely in my family room with the rest of my beachy possessions!
Wow, Kamichia, awesome giveaway!!! I'd be adding your beautiful floats to my ship shaped large bowl on the dining room table that holds shells, driftwood pieces, some seaglass, and beach pebbles. It would be perfect! Thanks sooo much for the chance to win!!!
hooray! thank you Kamichia for your lovely blog and the beautiful floats you pick up! as you know, i *love* glass floats :) i'd display them the way i have my other ones right now - stacked out in an old wooden box in my workspace, with my other beach finds. my favorite thing to do is take them out and look at the light through the glass - such pretty colors! thanks so much for doing this!
Hi - thank you so much for posting on my Caron's Beach House fb page! Excited about your giveaway - I would put my float in my big bamboo tray that graces my dining room table, full of sea glass and my favorite shells picked up here in California at Half Moon Bay.
Hello! It seems to be destiny...I keep running into you on Facebook and different beachy blogs!! I someday dream of finding a glass float on our SW Washington beach; however I would feel almost as lucky to win one from you.
I would display them on my newly created seashell mirror tray in the middle of my dining table or incorporate them into my outside covered porch with some beautiful white lights so that they glisten at night.
Have a beachy day...
Marie @ Sally Lee by the Sea "Celebrating the Coastal Lifestyle"
I've been working on turning my bedroom into a beach oasis. I've painted the walls a cool and crisp blue (actually VERY close to the teal on this page), painted all the furnature blue and white a crackle and aged finish, and I started looking for glass floats to combine with clear glass bulbs and make the perfect bedroom chandelier! That's when I cam across your etsy store and subsequesnt blog! Just imagine if I could win 2?!? So, today you have just added another faithfull follower to your group. I am so envious of your beautiful Alaska life! I'd love to send you a picture of the chandelier when I've got everything put together.
I don't know if I show up on your list as a follower, but I am subscribed to your RSS feed. I am planning on redoing our master bedroom and bathroom with a beach theme and would love some floats!
Oh my gosh!!! Please please please I hope you pick me. I wish I knew how to put a picture on here to show you. I love glass balls of any kind but glass floats!! are you kidding me, they are my favorite. Oh I am keeping my fingers crossed, and my toes :)What will I do with them? well hang them either in my kitchen where I have glass balls hanging over my cabinets or oh my gosh, so many choices. maybe in my sunroom hanging over my computer. Diningroom hanging over the window> it will be hard to figure out where because I will love them everywhere :) deezie
OMG what a wonderful giveaway. Pick me, pick me - I love these glass floats! I've been a follower since Maya featured you on Completely Coastal. My ultimate dream would be to walk down the road to the beach and find some of these beauties, but the chances of that happening in this part of the world are very, very slim!! Thank you heaps for a chance to win some - that's very generous of you :) I'll put a little button-link to your fabulous giveaway on my sidebar too!
Oh, I hope I win! I totally am in love with glass floats. My living room is a beach theme and if I win some floats I'll be using them in there. Pick me, pick me, pick me! Thanks!! christy(at)redreefscuba(dot)com
What a great giveaway. These floats are so cool. I bet it is wonderful, when you find one of them. Every time I see a float, I wounder where they came from, how far they had traveled and how long they where out there. If I won, I would put the float where everyone could see it. And would like to know the story of that float, so I could tell everyone. I love these gems. Thank You for a chance to win.
Wow, what a wonderful giveaway! I am an avid sea glass collector but have never found a float- they are lovely! If I win, I will hang them on fishing line in front of my living room picture window so the morning light can shine through them.
And I am now following your blog. Thanks for this awesome giveaway!
Well now honey, I've seen your glass floats in so many places now, so I'm very happy to see you with your own blog! I first saw you when Maya featured you on her's and was amazed at the photo with all these floats on shore.
Now where would I put these if I were to be a lucky winner? Well, there's not a room in my house that doesn't have seashells, so I could put them just about anywhere and they would fit in. Since I'm getting ready to put up some shelving in my new place, I'm sure that's where they would go. All lined up with my other beachy stuff!
I put your giveaway in my sidebar and now I'm going to go add your button. Have fun with your blog, I'm looking forward to the adventure.
I've popped over from Maya's .. and have to say I just love these glass floats. I have seen them previously on Maya's blogs so was glad to hear you now have your own blog.
If I were lucky enough to win?? well they would be my good luck charms when I move to my new home.. something to remind me that the sea is not too far away even if I cannot see or smell her..
I just found your blog and I will be a faithful follower from now on! Even though I live in landlocked Missouri, I have a small sea shell garden where I put sea shells collected mostly on the beach at Sanibel Island. That is where I would put the glass float if I should be lucky enough to win.
Wonderful give-a-way! Please sign me up! I feel really lucky today! :D I will be giving mine to my daughter. She is "nesting" in her first home and would love these!!!
Hi Kami.. welcome to the land of Blogging! just popped over from Maya's. Love those beautiful floats!! the color is heavenly! I would share one with my sister.. am now a follower! hope to see more of you.. and would very much like to be a winner!!!. warm sandy hugs.. Loui♥
I would LOVE glass floats for my new home! On my honeymoon we went deep sea fishing in Mexico and caught husband surprised me and had a replica made for me...and now i am trying to decorate nautical...these are sooo amazing!!! Love your sight and all the inspiration! Julie
So nice of you to do this!! I would love to have a glass float next to the beautiful piece of driftwood we brought home the day before we found out we were expecting a baby!! Thanks for doing this!! Antoinette
Wow - how nice. I just received my first glass float i ordered from you the other day. Love it. It iw quite worn and milky looking - love it - it definitely was well loved by the sand and sea. Hopefully I can order more soon. Thanks for sharing!!
Oh my, what a wonderful opportunity! I'm now a follower. First found you on Etsy, then Completely Coastal. I am doing our front entry and family room in a fishing theme, because my hubby LOVES to fish! and I promised I wouldn't make everything so "girly" like our previous home. The floats are amazing, I've been reading about them for a couple of months, and I'd be so honored to have some of yours in my home. I would either put them in an antique bread bowl or in a glass on the dresser I've redone right as you come in the entry. Thanks for this opportunity.
I love following your blog. If I won the floats, they would find a home on my mantel next to my prized green glass ballast bottle from Dublin, Ireland that my 5th great grandfather brought over from Ireland when he immigrated to the US.
Wow, what an amazing thing to do! I first came across you on Etsy while looking for wedding inspiration and I absolutely fell in LOVE with these! They are truly gorgeous. My fiance and I are getting married next April...we are very beachy-coastal people so we've been on a search for things that reflect us and our personality. I am a oceanographer and my fiance is a big time fisherman. I think these would be a great addition to our wedding ceremony because of the history that they have behind them! One of the passages we will be using is from The Prophet: " one another, let it be a moving sea between the shores of your souls..." (just as they glass beauties represent)! I promise I will cherish them forever as I will our marriage!!
...these are incredible. i have a dream that someday i will sell my jewelry in a little boutique next to the sea...i can guarantee these will be hanging in there someplace! until then, they would grace my table in an old wooden bowl filled with other sea treasures...
Surfing, floating, wading, boating on in from Maya's. I love these floats and would display them in our greenhouse window along with the starfish. The morning sun is strong and would light them beautifully. I would also use them in some photo's...
oooh, pick me! I have admired your floats from afar for a while now! I have a big bowl of shells and starfish in my living room that really justs screams out for a few floats-- that's what I'd do with them! Shari Beach Grass
Oh, I have always loved these and am so excited to hear about your Etsy site! I love these floats. They are gorgous and I can think of several ways to use them, but I just would love to put them in a collection and backlight them. they are so lovely with light behind them. Blessings and I'm happy to be a follower of your blog. Now I'm off to check out Etsy! T
The glass floats are gorgeous! And how pretty they would sparkle in our SW Florida sunshine! Wouldn't it be great to have them cross the nation from Alaska to Florida. I live on the Gulf coast near Sanibel Island so they would also add to some happiness to our 'getting-ready-for-the-oil' lives. Thanks for being a generous coastal soul.
I would be SO thrilled to win! I have wanted some for so long! I have a shallow wicker bowl that I would like to put some in and display them in our lanai in Florida! They are just what I need in that room for something FUN and unique! Thanks! And I am already a follower! ♥
I love things with a history, they have "soul" unlike things that are new and shiny, and mostly mass produced. Your sea floats are divine. I love that they have a history, and their colours are delicious! I have a mostly white bathroom, and I would put a couple of these gorgeous balls next to my bath, to join my white washed wooden sailing boat, and my light blue "Bath" sign. They would complete the perfect picture. You are a very lucky gal, a modern day "bounty hunter" so much fun you must have finding these treasures washed ashore! I bet the novelty never wears off! I live in Australia, where I have not seen these at all, (only in blogland, really just yours). If I were lucky enough to win a couple of these, I would be more than happy to pay postage to Australia :) I am now also following your blog :)
Oh my, every single person who's commented so far has said such wonderful things and each and every one of them sound so worthy of glass floats. They all have some absolutely great ideas of where to display and enjoy them. I can't top any of them and I so thoroughly enjoyed reading all their comments.
However, I would truly appreciate glass floats found in Alaska! Not a place I'd normally associate with glass floats at all. It was so interesting to read about glass float hunters finding them in Alaska -- and by the hundreds at that.
So I hope I win too and have the opportunity to give some glass floats a good home.
I'd put the floats right by my computer in my office -- to remind me that there's a world outside of work just waiting for me to explore.
Looking at the glass floats and thinking of where they were found, how they were created out of old bottles, reheated into glass and blown into glass floats only to travel the ocean holding up nets, then breaking free, they floated on the ocean currents to land in Alaska and years later to be lovingly rescued by you. That's enough to engage my creative side and let me get back to my tasks in a happier mood.
What a generous and lovely give away!! I would like to use them in some nautically inspired arrangement!! Thanks for entering me in the drawing and I am going to become a follower as soon as I post this :) Debbie
I found you through Simple Daisy and visited earlier in the week. Your blog is so informative! I love learning new things...especially about topics I love. I can just see an arrangement with these floats in my coastal home.
Your float collection is amazing! Just one of the perks about living on the Alaskan coast. (I actually emailed the singer in my son's band and suggested he head to the beaches to look for floats...for me! I promised to feed him...and he already "owes" me many meals! (He's working in Alaska this summer to earn $ for his next year of college.) Jane (artfully graced)
Beautiful floats! We have a beach house whose decor hasn't been changed since the 1950s -- major ticky-tackiness. These would go a long way to helping us make our beach house a home.
Whoa! What a rare treat. I am so excited to have a chance to win something that is so pretty and beachy, but that also has such great history. To think how far they have floated and for how long. Plus the fact that its the real it. I will have them displayed proudly should I win them. Thank you for this great giveaway and the chance to win.
I would like them, too! Just followed and look forward to reading more from you. What would I do with two glass floats? Well... I would put them into a tall glass vase and make an arrangement with them and shells... or just them for a more modern, beachy look.
I would so love to win this fabulous give away - we own a beach front condo in Florida and I am dying to have these floats to display there! I have the perfect place to show them! Thannks so much for the chance to win - I will just jump up and down if I do!
Hi, I come to your blog thru Maya's.. I am spending my summers at a beach on the other side of the world and my latest find was a can of beer which I posted about it on my blog. Compare to mines your finds are awesome.
How generous of you! How I'd love to hang a float from Alaska in Massachusetts. I’ve just started making art from the sea. Love reading your blogs. You are lucky to be able to find so much. Enjoy the summer all.
I love your floats!!! My friend has 2 she found while living in Hawaii. One in the middle of the night after she had a dream about her father who had passed away. The float has his football # on it. He loved his football number. Most floats do not have numbers!!
Anyways, I've always loved my friend's floats. I would put mine like hers on a prominent shelf in our family room for all to see!!!
What a wonderful giveaway! I found you through Maya and if I was lucky enough to win I would display the glass float on the windowsill in my kitchen where it would catch the morning light! I just love these, and how wonderful that you live in an area where you can find them along the shoreline! Thank you for the chance to win one!
I am a follower now and would LOVE to win a set of floats. I would use them in my bedroom, which is decorated "Alaskan Seashore". DH is the medical officer on a fish processor and brings me cool things.
I'd love to get my hands on some glass floats! I'm currently redoing our house, one room at a time with a coastal theme. This weekend I'm painting the kitchen turquoise. My husband would toss us all in a sailboat and head out on an adventure if it weren't for that pesky thing called a job. Our three little girls are completely obsessed with mermaids! So I could easily find a home for some of your beautiful glass floats!
hi Kamichia- I am so happy to have found your blog. One it is about these beautiful floats that make my heart go pitter-patter and second that you are from Alaska - I love to read about different regions of the world that are far away from me.
I recently read an article about these floats and how they still wash up on northwestern US beaches around November. What a thrill it must be to find one washed up on the beach and not in a store. I will enjoy following your hunt as it will probalby be the closet thing I will ever come to finding one myself.
If I won a float I would place it in a big off white shallow bowl I have in my family room - hoping to add more. If I ever came across a large one I would put in under my console table. I once visited a home where she had floats of all sizes and colors randomly around her home - beautiful I kept wanting to touch each one of them. Thanks for offering such a fabulous giveaway. Diane
Oh how I would love to win your glass floats!! The cool thing is that they were found by you which makes them totally wonderful. I'm a fellow glass float lover and have managed to scrounge a few at some garage sales. I feel like I've found a gem from the sea. Please come and check out my blog sometime where you'll see I'm smitten with all things coastal and glass floats are at the top!! Please please please God let me win. My fingers are crossed and I'm so happy I found you and your blog. I'm a devoted new follower :) Have the best weekend!!!
What a lovely gesture! I've added your blog to my RSS feed. I would love to win your glass floats - I love the stories of how you find them, and they would be a gorgeous addition to the bathroom decor that I'm planning for my new house!
I love glass floats! Especially from ALASKA:) That's where I was born-but have not been back in over 20 years. I'd add these floats to my native art collection here in my livingroom! I'm your new fan for life-♥
Glass floats are magical! Just imagine where they might have come from when you hold them in your hands. Lincoln City, Oregon has a glass float hunt every year as a community event. Of course these floats are made by local artisans, but it's still a very special treasure hunt. What would I do with the one I win? I'd display it amongst my beach glass collection on my favorite silver tray. It would be my first float ever!
I would float the floats!! For a little while anyway, dont want the rope to deteriorate. Then I would use them as place holders on my dining table for little sunny dinner parties. Hope I win, and thanks for the opportunity. Di x
Love your blog and the beautiful floats. If I had some, I would put them in a big crystal bowl (w/sand) and put them on my dining room table and remember all the beaches and oceans I have ever visited. It is my dream to live near a beach, right now I am stuck in Ohio...
I live on the Oregon coast and I am a glass float addict! My family has been giving me the artisan ones for every occasion and I have a beautiful collection which I look at many times a day. Each glass float is unique and beautiful. So, I KNOW that feeling deep inside when you are looking at that beauty. My dream in life would be to find a "real" one washed up on the shore. So, needless to say, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE looking at your collection!
There have been MANY floats found along the Oregon coast in the past few months! You should join my other group on FB. It's Glass Fishing Float Collectors. People have been reporting their finds. I know they've been found around Long Beach & down between Warrenton & Newport! Also, they are being found on the beach at Westport, WA.
You just have to be there at the right time. The best time to go is during or right after a good storm with strong westerly winds. You want to check the low tide & the high tide.
Good luck!! Maybe you'll win the drawing, but nothing compares to finding your own!! :)
Thanks for a great giveaway! Visited your Etsy site and your floats are amazing. Have to say that I'd find a special place to display them along with my other beach treasures - but these lovely floats would defitely get a prominent spot. =) Being closest to the Gulf beaches, I've not found anything like them - but I'm enjoying learning about them. thx from your new friend at and!
Since today is my birthday I'll give this a whirl. I have been walking the cold, windswept beaches since I was a little girl (middle aged now) searching for rocks and glass floats. I've gathered many rocks but have never been lucky enough to find a glass float from Japan. I've always wanted to experience that thrill. Thanks, fluer (CJ) treehouse.queen18(atyahoodotcom)
Love your blog and your etsy shop! If I win your floats they will be sitting on top of a half wall made of slate, in front of which sits my free standing tub. I'll be able to gaze at them each time I soak.
I love glass floats. As a child growing up in Japan I would beach comb for shells, beach glass, and these beautiful majical floats. I would decorate my home with the floats. I have a mantel with my swan painting that needs glass floats to finish it.
After transplanting myself from Oklahoma to Alaska & living there for 12 years, I made another huge move to the Oregon Coast. I lived there for 2 1/2 years & I'm now in Washington. I originally moved to Alaska to follow my dream of flying & somewhere along my journey, I ran across glass fishing floats. Over the past 9 years, these little treasures have taken over my heart, along with my house! I have a substantial collection of rare & unique floats from all over the world. I like to share their uniqueness, history & beauty with anyone that is interested!
Oh please pick me for your giveaway, so very
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely giveaway!!
I love your floats! I have read your story on a couple blogs and is so great! I would love display your floats in my house, most likely in my family room with the rest of my beachy possessions! know I LOVE your floats!!! What a fun give-away:)
ReplyDeleteSo excited about this giveaway! I would love to win and display them along with some driftwood and shells. I can't seem to find any around here.
ReplyDeleteWow, Kamichia, awesome giveaway!!! I'd be adding your beautiful floats to my ship shaped large bowl on the dining room table that holds shells, driftwood pieces, some seaglass, and beach pebbles. It would be perfect! Thanks sooo much for the chance to win!!!
ReplyDeletehooray! thank you Kamichia for your lovely blog and the beautiful floats you pick up! as you know, i *love* glass floats :)
ReplyDeletei'd display them the way i have my other ones right now - stacked out in an old wooden box in my workspace, with my other beach finds. my favorite thing to do is take them out and look at the light through the glass - such pretty colors!
thanks so much for doing this!
Hi - thank you so much for posting on my Caron's Beach House fb page! Excited about your giveaway - I would put my float in my big bamboo tray that graces my dining room table, full of sea glass and my favorite shells picked up here in California at Half Moon Bay.
ReplyDeleteHello! It seems to be destiny...I keep running into you on Facebook and different beachy blogs!! I someday dream of finding a glass float on our SW Washington beach; however I would feel almost as lucky to win one from you.
ReplyDeleteI would display them on my newly created seashell mirror tray in the middle of my dining table or incorporate them into my outside covered porch with some beautiful white lights so that they glisten at night.
Have a beachy day...
Marie @ Sally Lee by the Sea
"Celebrating the Coastal Lifestyle"
I've been working on turning my bedroom into a beach oasis. I've painted the walls a cool and crisp blue (actually VERY close to the teal on this page), painted all the furnature blue and white a crackle and aged finish, and I started looking for glass floats to combine with clear glass bulbs and make the perfect bedroom chandelier! That's when I cam across your etsy store and subsequesnt blog! Just imagine if I could win 2?!? So, today you have just added another faithfull follower to your group. I am so envious of your beautiful Alaska life! I'd love to send you a picture of the chandelier when I've got everything put together.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if I show up on your list as a follower, but I am subscribed to your RSS feed. I am planning on redoing our master bedroom and bathroom with a beach theme and would love some floats!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh!!! Please please please I hope you pick me. I wish I knew how to put a picture on here to show you. I love glass balls of any kind but glass floats!! are you kidding me, they are my favorite. Oh I am keeping my fingers crossed, and my toes :)What will I do with them? well hang them either in my kitchen where I have glass balls hanging over my cabinets or oh my gosh, so many choices. maybe in my sunroom hanging over my computer. Diningroom hanging over the window> it will be hard to figure out where because I will love them everywhere :)
OMG what a wonderful giveaway. Pick me, pick me - I love these glass floats! I've been a follower since Maya featured you on Completely Coastal. My ultimate dream would be to walk down the road to the beach and find some of these beauties, but the chances of that happening in this part of the world are very, very slim!! Thank you heaps for a chance to win some - that's very generous of you :) I'll put a little button-link to your fabulous giveaway on my sidebar too!
ReplyDeleteOh, I hope I win! I totally am in love with glass floats. My living room is a beach theme and if I win some floats I'll be using them in there. Pick me, pick me, pick me! Thanks!! christy(at)redreefscuba(dot)com
ReplyDeleteWhat a great giveaway. These floats are so cool. I bet it is wonderful, when you find one of them. Every time I see a float, I wounder where they came from, how far they had traveled and how long they where out there. If I won, I would put the float where everyone could see it. And would like to know the story of that float, so I could tell everyone. I love these gems. Thank You for a chance to win.
ReplyDeleteWow, what a wonderful giveaway! I am an avid sea glass collector but have never found a float- they are lovely! If I win, I will hang them on fishing line in front of my living room picture window so the morning light can shine through them.
ReplyDeleteAnd I am now following your blog. Thanks for this awesome giveaway!
I love glass floats and your blog!
ReplyDeleteJust found your blog (and will be sharing it) - and I LOVE your floats! I have the perfect spot! PICK ME!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad I found your blog via A Coastal Lifestyle! I would love a chance to win these! Thank you! Jennifer:)
ReplyDeleteWell now honey, I've seen your glass floats in so many places now, so I'm very happy to see you with your own blog! I first saw you when Maya featured you on her's and was amazed at the photo with all these floats on shore.
ReplyDeleteNow where would I put these if I were to be a lucky winner? Well, there's not a room in my house that doesn't have seashells, so I could put them just about anywhere and they would fit in. Since I'm getting ready to put up some shelving in my new place, I'm sure that's where they would go. All lined up with my other beachy stuff!
I put your giveaway in my sidebar and now I'm going to go add your button. Have fun with your blog, I'm looking forward to the adventure.
Love your blog! If I win, I'd hang it in my bedroom window so that it's the first thing I see in the morning.
ReplyDeleteHI Kamichia..
ReplyDeleteI've popped over from Maya's .. and have to say I just love these glass floats. I have seen them previously on Maya's blogs so was glad to hear you now have your own blog.
If I were lucky enough to win?? well they would be my good luck charms when I move to my new home.. something to remind me that the sea is not too far away even if I cannot see or smell her..
thanks for the chance!! Julie
I just found your blog and I will be a faithful follower from now on! Even though I live in landlocked Missouri, I have a small sea shell garden where I put sea shells collected mostly on the beach at Sanibel Island. That is where I would put the glass float if I should be lucky enough to win.
ReplyDeleteOoh me me! I love glass floats. Becoming a follower asap!
ReplyDeletePlease.Pick.Me! I love these floats...just love them,and I want them all!
I love the idea of glass floats but I have never had one - they would definitely be a step up from the poly ones I pick up all the time!
ReplyDeleteWhere would they go? Against a window, so they catch the light.
I have you on RSS
I would hang them outside my home :) and dream of the sea...
these are lovely! I would hang them in front of my window looking out over the lake at our lake house
ReplyDeleteWonderful give-a-way! Please sign me up! I feel really lucky today! :D
ReplyDeleteI will be giving mine to my daughter. She is "nesting" in her first home and would love these!!!
Hi Kami..
ReplyDeletewelcome to the land of Blogging!
just popped over from Maya's.
Love those beautiful floats!!
the color is heavenly!
I would share one with my sister..
am now a follower!
hope to see more of you..
and would very much like to be a winner!!!.
warm sandy hugs..
I would LOVE glass floats for my new home! On my honeymoon we went deep sea fishing in Mexico and caught husband surprised me and had a replica made for me...and now i am trying to decorate nautical...these are sooo amazing!!!
ReplyDeleteLove your sight and all the inspiration!
So nice of you to do this!! I would love to have a glass float next to the beautiful piece of driftwood we brought home the day before we found out we were expecting a baby!! Thanks for doing this!!
Wow - how nice. I just received my first glass float i ordered from you the other day. Love it. It iw quite worn and milky looking - love it - it definitely was well loved by the sand and sea. Hopefully I can order more soon. Thanks for sharing!!
ReplyDeleteOh my, what a wonderful opportunity! I'm now a follower. First found you on Etsy, then Completely Coastal. I am doing our front entry and family room in a fishing theme, because my hubby LOVES to fish! and I promised I wouldn't make everything so "girly" like our previous home. The floats are amazing, I've been reading about them for a couple of months, and I'd be so honored to have some of yours in my home. I would either put them in an antique bread bowl or in a glass on the dresser I've redone right as you come in the entry. Thanks for this opportunity.
ReplyDeleteI love following your blog. If I won the floats, they would find a home on my mantel next to my prized green glass ballast bottle from Dublin, Ireland that my 5th great grandfather brought over from Ireland when he immigrated to the US.
ReplyDeleteWow, what an amazing thing to do! I first came across you on Etsy while looking for wedding inspiration and I absolutely fell in LOVE with these! They are truly gorgeous. My fiance and I are getting married next April...we are very beachy-coastal people so we've been on a search for things that reflect us and our personality. I am a oceanographer and my fiance is a big time fisherman. I think these would be a great addition to our wedding ceremony because of the history that they have behind them! One of the passages we will be using is from The Prophet: " one another, let it be a moving sea between the shores of your souls..." (just as they glass beauties represent)! I promise I will cherish them forever as I will our marriage!!
ReplyDelete...these are incredible. i have a dream that someday i will sell my jewelry in a little boutique next to the sea...i can guarantee these will be hanging in there someplace! until then, they would grace my table in an old wooden bowl filled with other sea treasures...
ReplyDeleteWhat a great giveaway. I have just the perfect place for these! Fingers crossed . . .
ReplyDeleteSurfing, floating, wading, boating on in from Maya's. I love these floats and would display them in our greenhouse window along with the starfish. The morning sun is strong and would light them beautifully. I would also use them in some photo's...
ReplyDeleteOMG, I would be in heaven! I would hang it to pick up the sun by my window and watch it glisten!
ReplyDeleteoooh, pick me! I have admired your floats from afar for a while now! I have a big bowl of shells and starfish in my living room that really justs screams out for a few floats-- that's what I'd do with them!
Beach Grass
Oh, I have always loved these and am so excited to hear about your Etsy site! I love these floats. They are gorgous and I can think of several ways to use them, but I just would love to put them in a collection and backlight them. they are so lovely with light behind them.
ReplyDeleteBlessings and I'm happy to be a follower of your blog. Now I'm off to check out Etsy!
The glass floats are gorgeous! And how pretty they would sparkle in our SW Florida sunshine! Wouldn't it be great to have them cross the nation from Alaska to Florida. I live on the Gulf coast near Sanibel Island so they would also add to some happiness to our 'getting-ready-for-the-oil' lives. Thanks for being a generous coastal soul.
ReplyDeleteI would be SO thrilled to win! I have wanted some for so long! I have a shallow wicker bowl that I would like to put some in and display them in our lanai in Florida! They are just what I need in that room for something FUN and unique! Thanks! And I am already a follower! ♥
ReplyDeleteI love things with a history, they have "soul" unlike things that are new and shiny, and mostly mass produced. Your sea floats are divine. I love that they have a history, and their colours are delicious! I have a mostly white bathroom, and I would put a couple of these gorgeous balls next to my bath, to join my white washed wooden sailing boat, and my light blue "Bath" sign. They would complete the perfect picture. You are a very lucky gal, a modern day "bounty hunter" so much fun you must have finding these treasures washed ashore! I bet the novelty never wears off! I live in Australia, where I have not seen these at all, (only in blogland, really just yours). If I were lucky enough to win a couple of these, I would be more than happy to pay postage to Australia :) I am now also following your blog :)
ReplyDeleteOh my, every single person who's commented so far has said such wonderful things and each and every one of them sound so worthy of glass floats. They all have some absolutely great ideas of where to display and enjoy them. I can't top any of them and I so thoroughly enjoyed reading all their comments.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I would truly appreciate glass floats found in Alaska! Not a place I'd normally associate with glass floats at all. It was so interesting to read about glass float hunters finding them in Alaska -- and by the hundreds at that.
So I hope I win too and have the opportunity to give some glass floats a good home.
I'd put the floats right by my computer in my office -- to remind me that there's a world outside of work just waiting for me to explore.
Looking at the glass floats and thinking of where they were found, how they were created out of old bottles, reheated into glass and blown into glass floats only to travel the ocean holding up nets, then breaking free, they floated on the ocean currents to land in Alaska and years later to be lovingly rescued by you. That's enough to engage my creative side and let me get back to my tasks in a happier mood.
What a generous and lovely give away!! I would like to use them in some nautically inspired arrangement!! Thanks for entering me in the drawing and I am going to become a follower as soon as I post this :) Debbie
ReplyDeleteI found you through Simple Daisy and visited earlier in the week. Your blog is so informative! I love learning new things...especially about topics I love. I can just see an arrangement with these floats in my coastal home.
ReplyDeleteYour float collection is amazing! Just one of the perks about living on the Alaskan coast. (I actually emailed the singer in my son's band and suggested he head to the beaches to look for floats...for me! I promised to feed him...and he already "owes" me many meals! (He's working in Alaska this summer to earn $ for his next year of college.)
Jane (artfully graced)
I was just in Maui and saw some of these. I want to float in my fountain for hang in the garden.
Beautiful floats! We have a beach house whose decor hasn't been changed since the 1950s -- major ticky-tackiness. These would go a long way to helping us make our beach house a home.
ReplyDeleteWhoa! What a rare treat. I am so excited to have a chance to win something that is so pretty and beachy, but that also has such great history. To think how far they have floated and for how long. Plus the fact that its the real it. I will have them displayed proudly should I win them. Thank you for this great giveaway and the chance to win.
ReplyDeleteI would like them, too! Just followed and look forward to reading more from you. What would I do with two glass floats? Well... I would put them into a tall glass vase and make an arrangement with them and shells... or just them for a more modern, beachy look.
I would so love to win this fabulous give away - we own a beach front condo in Florida and I am dying to have these floats to display there! I have the perfect place to show them!
ReplyDeleteThannks so much for the chance to win - I will just jump up and down if I do!
Count me in as your newest follower - I am hooked on these beautiful treasures~~~
Hi, I come to your blog thru Maya's.. I am spending my summers at a beach on the other side of the world and my latest find was a can of beer which I posted about it on my blog. Compare to mines your finds are awesome.
ReplyDeleteHow generous of you! How I'd love to hang a float from Alaska in Massachusetts. I’ve just started making art from the sea. Love reading your blogs. You are lucky to be able to find so much. Enjoy the summer all.
ReplyDeleteMy son has a "surfer" bedroom and our house has a beachy feel. These would be PERFECT for our gameroom or to decorate his bedroom!
I love your floats!!! My friend has 2 she found while living in Hawaii. One in the middle of the night after she had a dream about her father who had passed away. The float has his football # on it. He loved his football number. Most floats do not have numbers!!
ReplyDeleteAnyways, I've always loved my friend's floats. I would put mine like hers on a prominent shelf in our family room for all to see!!!
What a wonderful giveaway! I found you through Maya and if I was lucky enough to win I would display the glass float on the windowsill in my kitchen where it would catch the morning light! I just love these, and how wonderful that you live in an area where you can find them along the shoreline! Thank you for the chance to win one!
ReplyDeleteKat :)
I am a follower now and would LOVE to win a set of floats. I would use them in my bedroom, which is decorated "Alaskan Seashore". DH is the medical officer on a fish processor and brings me cool things.
ReplyDeleteI just found your site and I LOVE the glass floats. I live pretty far inland, but I'm a beach girl at heart and would love to win these!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to get my hands on some glass floats! I'm currently redoing our house, one room at a time with a coastal theme. This weekend I'm painting the kitchen turquoise. My husband would toss us all in a sailboat and head out on an adventure if it weren't for that pesky thing called a job. Our three little girls are completely obsessed with mermaids! So I could easily find a home for some of your beautiful glass floats!
ReplyDeleteI hope I'm a random winner!
hi Kamichia-
ReplyDeleteI am so happy to have found your blog. One it is about these beautiful floats that make my heart go pitter-patter and second that you are from Alaska - I love to read about different regions of the world that are far away from me.
I recently read an article about these floats and how they still wash up on northwestern US beaches around November. What a thrill it must be to find one washed up on the beach and not in a store. I will enjoy following your hunt as it will probalby be the closet thing I will ever come to finding one myself.
If I won a float I would place it in a big off white shallow bowl I have in my family room - hoping to add more. If I ever came across a large one I would put in under my console table. I once visited a home where she had floats of all sizes and colors randomly around her home - beautiful I kept wanting to touch each one of them.
Thanks for offering such a fabulous giveaway.
Oh how I would love to win your glass floats!! The cool thing is that they were found by you which makes them totally wonderful. I'm a fellow glass float lover and have managed to scrounge a few at some garage sales. I feel like I've found a gem from the sea. Please come and check out my blog sometime where you'll see I'm smitten with all things coastal and glass floats are at the top!! Please please please God let me win. My fingers are crossed and I'm so happy I found you and your blog. I'm a devoted new follower :)
ReplyDeleteHave the best weekend!!!
What a lovely gesture! I've added your blog to my RSS feed. I would love to win your glass floats - I love the stories of how you find them, and they would be a gorgeous addition to the bathroom decor that I'm planning for my new house!
ReplyDeleteSo awesome! I didn't know this even happened. I love the look of glass floats in a tall glass vase... so pretty!
ReplyDeleteLove these! I'd put them in a place of honor in my Tybee Island beach house, The Breeze Inn. From one coast to another, they are gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteI love glass floats! Especially from ALASKA:) That's where I was born-but have not been back in over 20 years. I'd add these floats to my native art collection here in my livingroom! I'm your new fan for life-♥
ReplyDeleteGlass floats are magical! Just imagine where they might have come from when you hold them in your hands. Lincoln City, Oregon has a glass float hunt every year as a community event. Of course these floats are made by local artisans, but it's still a very special treasure hunt.
ReplyDeleteWhat would I do with the one I win? I'd display it amongst my beach glass collection on my favorite silver tray. It would be my first float ever!
I would float the floats!! For a little while anyway, dont want the rope to deteriorate. Then I would use them as place holders on my dining table for little sunny dinner parties.
ReplyDeleteHope I win, and thanks for the opportunity.
Di x
I really would love thes to hang outside my backdoor just like my late grandma did when I was a wee bairn. fingers xssed
ReplyDeleteYour floats are just beautiful!!! And I am so excited to follow your blog!
Love your blog and the beautiful floats. If I had some, I would put them in a big crystal bowl (w/sand) and put them on my dining room table and remember all the beaches and oceans I have ever visited. It is my dream to live near a beach, right now I am stuck in Ohio...
I live on the Oregon coast and I am a glass float addict! My family has been giving me the artisan ones for every occasion and I have a beautiful collection which I look at many times a day. Each glass float is unique and beautiful. So, I KNOW that feeling deep inside when you are looking at that beauty. My dream in life would be to find a "real" one washed up on the shore. So, needless to say, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE looking at your collection!
ReplyDelete@ beachgirl
ReplyDeleteThere have been MANY floats found along the Oregon coast in the past few months! You should join my other group on FB. It's Glass Fishing Float Collectors. People have been reporting their finds. I know they've been found around Long Beach & down between Warrenton & Newport! Also, they are being found on the beach at Westport, WA.
You just have to be there at the right time. The best time to go is during or right after a good storm with strong westerly winds. You want to check the low tide & the high tide.
Good luck!! Maybe you'll win the drawing, but nothing compares to finding your own!! :)
Thanks for a great giveaway! Visited your Etsy site and your floats are amazing. Have to say that I'd find a special place to display them along with my other beach treasures - but these lovely floats would defitely get a prominent spot. =) Being closest to the Gulf beaches, I've not found anything like them - but I'm enjoying learning about them. thx from your new friend at and!
ReplyDeleteSince today is my birthday I'll give this a whirl. I have been walking the cold, windswept beaches since I was a little girl (middle aged now) searching for rocks and glass floats. I've gathered many rocks but have never been lucky enough to find a glass float from Japan. I've always wanted to experience that thrill.
fluer (CJ)
ReplyDeleteI LOVE these. (got my fingers crossed)
ReplyDeleteLove your blog and your etsy shop! If I win your floats they will be sitting on top of a half wall made of slate, in front of which sits my free standing tub. I'll be able to gaze at them each time I soak.
ReplyDeleteI love glass floats. As a child growing up in Japan I would beach comb for shells, beach glass, and these beautiful majical floats. I would decorate my home with the floats. I have a mantel with my swan painting that needs glass floats to finish it.