
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Life is CrAzY!!!

Things have been crazy here & I've sort of neglected my friends in blog land. So, while I'm still working on my other post, here are a few pics from my trip to Homer, AK last Saturday. Enjoy!

Enjoy the rest of your week & be sure to check out my Etsy shop!!


  1. What beautiful pictures! It looks like you enjoyed your visit! I hope to one day get to Alaska!

  2. Hi michelle...

    Homer is about an hour & a half from where i live. It's one of my favorite places to go. It was dreary at home & beautiful there! We just sat on the beach for hours & soaked up the sun. You definitely need to put a trip to Alaska on your Bucket List!!

    Have a great day! :)

  3. Hi Kamichia-

    Lovely pictures. It looks like you enjoyed a beautiful day. The views of the snow-capped mountains and blue water are so inticing. I wish I could be there right now. The temp here is 93, down about 10 degrees from last week. Soaking up some Alaska sun would feel wonderful right about now.
    My best- Diane

  4. Hi Diane...

    It was actually 64 degrees that day & was quite warm with minimal wind. It's hard to beat that this time of the year. Plus, Homer is typically windy because of where it sits on the bay.

    It's funny, but 93 sounds pretty nice right now. As long as there is NO humidity!! Being from Oklahoma, I am not a fan of that!

    Kamichia :)

  5. Hi Kamichia-
    Just wanted to tell you that I featured you on my blog today. I just realized that you are in Homer. Have you ever read any of Sue Henry's books. They are a fun read. She uses Homer as the setting in a lot of her books.

    It is very humid here, it feels like 180% humidity.
    My best- Diane

  6. Hi Diane...

    I actually live in Kenai. It's an hour & a half north of Homer. I just did a day trip down there.

    No, I haven't heard of her. Will check it out.

    Thanks so much for including me on your blog!! I appreciate it!

    Kamichia :)

  7. Beautiful photos - I loved Homer when I visited there several years ago! Youare so lucky to live in such a beautiful part of this country!


  8. Oh my looks so beautiful there! Alaska is one of the places my husband really wants to see!!!
    Maybe someday:)

  9. Beautiful pictures! Look for a blog post in just a few!

  10. looks sooooo cool! We are cooking in Maryland this week!

  11. Wow, the daisies! What a beautiful blog, all the cool, crisp colors... so inspiring. I know I'll enjoy following you.
