
Monday, July 12, 2010

Check these out!!!!

I met Kylie on Etsy. She has some of the cutest pendants & necklaces. She is so creative!! Here are some of her new starfish pendants. Check out her shop!

I have been working on a new post that will provide you with information on how to determine an authentic float from a reproduction or "fake" float. I should have it on here this week!!

Have a most glorious week everyone!!!


  1. Kamichia -
    I love your awsome blog - and am one of your followers! Love that youlove to fly also - my husband is a pilot also. We have been to Alaska twice - so beautiful there. Really - some of the most wonderful scenery ever - you are so lucky to live there.

    I am fascinated by the glass floats - would love to have some for my condo in Florida. Must consider that.

    Thank you for sharing your experiences and great stories with all of us "down below!".


  2. Thanks, Vicki! Yes, once you start flying, it's in your blood! No matter how long you go without flying, you're always thinking about it & look forward to the next time you're in the air! I've been flying since I was 19, so I'm getting close to 20 years. Although, I've gone in spurts & flown when I could. It's rather expensive.

    Alaska is a glorious place. Although, I am getting a bit tired of the dark, long winters. I'm considering a move south somewhere. I can always come back in the summer to beachcomb.

    I am trying to keep up on the posts & will have a good one soon. Just keep checking back.


  3. These are really cool!!

    Also, just spotted your mobiles on Etsy -awesome!!

  4. I already snagged the blue/green one!!! Had to have it! :)

  5. I'm just loving these! They're perfect!

    Unfortunately, you snooze you loose... they must have sold out! They're gone! Hopefully she makes some more.

  6. @Rae Rae

    She has more. She'll prob list them soon. Just check back. You can convo her & she can do a custom listing for you.

  7. Hi Kamichia-

    I got my float yesterday. I love it and am so exctied - it is my first. Can't wait to read more about the floats you find, collect and sell. Hope you have a great weekend.

    Thanks - Diane

  8. hello
    those starfish pendants are ADORABLE!!! I recently purchased some floats from you via a friend of mine simpledaisy and I love them! i am ordering more soon .

  9. Those are very cool! She has a great shop!
